Most of the JRPGs I can find for PC are Hentai ones. Xenogears have something similar but you do not need to guess what are the special moves. Kenny McCormick Septemat 3:33 - From what I can see, Legend of Legaia had a pretty unique combat system (I'm sure it's what got your attention, amirite?). But I do generally enjoy RPGs for the exploration, discovery, puzzles, atmosphere and story the most and probably combat the least. Or maybe I should actually give PoR a chance and play it sometime and reevaluate. From what I remember the tactical combat system is a nice refresher but combats eventually take forever and bog the game down. Therefore it has the least variety throughout the various games and gets very repetitive.

After playing RPGs for over 20 years combat is the most basic element and easiest to simulate in a computer game. And I felt like the Gold Box games actually emulated this aspect of the game pretty well. Usually it ends up becoming nothing more than the DM following a set module and being very combat and "roll playing" heavy. I went and reread some of your Pool of Radiance posts and it's interesting how you state that the actual D&D game is better suited for the computer than for real life and that PoR brought the D&D experience fairly faithfully to the computer screen for the first time with PoL.įrom the couple of times I've played D&D I agree that it isn't a great game. Which means they can fire multiple arrows. Rangers get actions pretty fast as they level. a Ranger and the hoopak wielding theif can take out a good number of enemies per turn. You can easily block off enemies with your Knight, Fighter, and Ranger and if given the opportunity have your ranger snipe distant "helpless" enemies. I would have had a ranger instead of two knights. That's their main advantage with their armor. Then can still be used to kill things, but you should never move the knight in such a way that it isn't blocking enemies. They should be used as doorstops instead of melee specialists. They should be blocking all enemies from reaching the rest of the party (with aid from some other HP beefy character if need be). I think a large part of your problem is that you have two knights not being used optimally. I prefer pure classes even if they are limited later on.